Welcome To Pragti Education And Welfare Society

Pragti Education And Welfare Society

registered under the.....

Society registration act XXI of 1860 NCT of Delhi Govt. of India

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Department of Social Justice & Empowerment

Ministry of Labour & Employment

PM Daksh

Ministry of Women and Child Development


It bears a registration number of S/65165 dated 23rd March 2009.

Pragti Education and Welfare Society is an NGO working towards the Empowerment of Street and Working Children in a participatory approach. They are given a chance to develop some understanding of their situation, their rights & opportunities. At

Pragti Education And Welfare Society provide education, counseling, recreational activities, and a framework to get organized.

We partner with watchmakers who supply us with a wide range of precision components. At the same time, various kinds of new  are presented for free from time to time.

Our goal is to provide educational, health and vocational skills to underprivileged children. The thought process behind Pragti Education and Welfare Society is that quality education is the only medium that can improve the living standards of the poor people. It is the most powerful tool, which can equip them to make informed and intelligent choices about their lives and future. Pragti Education and Welfare Society believes that education is the only weapon to fight poverty and truly empower the children who tomorrow will be the well-designed.


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Become Volenteer

You can become a volenteer to help the need peson.

Give Scholarship

You can give donation as scholership for poor students.

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